Л И С Т

                  09.12.2002  N 11/7-14-12124-ЕП

                                      Начальникам регіональних
                                      Начальникам митниць

       ( Лист втратив чинність на підставі Листа Державної
                                             митної служби
         N 11/3-14/8521-ЕП ( v8521342-05 ) від 15.07.2005 )

     Відповідно      до   листа   Держмитслужби   від   28.02.2000
N 21/3-638-ЕП  (  v-638342-00  )  направляємо перелік сертифікатів
переміщення EUR.1,  які видавалися естонськими митними органами на
рибопродукцію за період з 18 по 24 листопада 2002.

AB651883   18/11/2002  OU VRHL          salted baltic sprats                             20000

AB652066   18/11/2002  AS Laatsa        canned fish                                      66170

AB651884   18/11/2002  OU VRHL          salted baltic sprats                             20000

AB652067   19/11/2002  AS Laatsa        canned fish                                      67500

AB651990   19/11/2002  OU Saare         frozen sprat                                     19900

AB651991   19/11/2002  OU Saare         spice sprat                                      19800

AB652068   20/11/2002  AS Laatsa        canned fish                                      66140

AB651886   20/11/2002  OU VRHL          salted baltic sprats                             20250

AB651887   21/11/2002  OU VRHL          frozen baltic sprats                             20000

AB652071   21/11/2002  AS Laatsa        canned fish                                      65790

AB652070   21/11/2002  AS Laatsa        canned fish                                      66760

AB651995   22/11/2002  OU Saare         spice sprat                                      19800

AB651996   22/11/2002  OU Saare         spice sprat                                      19800

AB651997   22/11/2002  OU Saare         frozen sprat                                     19900

AB651891   22/11/2002  OU VRHL          salted baltic sprats                             20600

AB651889   22/11/2002  OU VRHL          salted baltic sprats                             20000

AB651892   22/11/2002  OU VRHL          salted baltic sprats                             20600

AB651890   22/11/2002  OU VRHL          salted baltic sprats                             20000

AB651999   22/11/2002  OU Saare         spice sprat                                      19800

AB651893   22/11/2002  OU VRHL          salted baltic sprats                             20000

AB713357   20.11.02    AS DAGOTAR       canned fish                                      66000

AB713131   21.11.02    AS DAGOTAR       canned fish                                      63950

AB713133   22.11.02    AS DAGOTAR       canned fish                                      27490

AB727853   19/11/2002  Viru             CANNED FISH 4420 places (sprats in oil 160gr     67969
                       kalatoostus      2500places, baltic herring in oil
                                        160gr.200places,home-like sprats 160gr
                                        100places,baltic sardines in oil 160gr.
                                        150places,baltic sardines in tomato sause
                                        160gr.100places sprats paste
                                        160gr.220places,sprats in tomato sause 160gr.
                                        100places,baltic herring in oil 250gr.
                                        200places,fried baltic herring in tomato sause
                                        250gr.50places,sprats in oil 250gr. 400places
                                        sprats in tomato sause 250gr 50places,sprats in
                                        oil 100gr 130places,sprats in tomato sause
                                        100gr. 20places, baltic sardines in tomato
                                        sause 100gr 100places, baltic sardines in oil
                                        100gr 100places)

AB727852   19/11/2002  Viru             CANNED FISH 4395 places (sprats in oil           67939.5
                       Kalatoostuse OU  100gr.100places,sprats in oil 160gr.
                                        3125places,sprats in tomatosause 160gr.
                                        60places,sprats in tomato sause
                                        250gr.75places,sprats in oil
                                        250gr.380places,baltic herring in oil 160gr
                                        50places,baltic herring in oil 250gr.80
                                        places,sprats paste 160gr. 200places, fried
                                        baltic herring in tomato sause 250gr.30places,
                                        balticsardines in oil 160gr 35 places,baltic
                                        sardines in oil 100gr.50 places,baltic sardines
                                        in tomato sauce 100gr 110places,home-like
                                        sprats 160gr.100places)

AB661089   22.11.02    HAKO LTD         SMOKED SPRATS PASTE                              4830

                       EUROCOMMERCE     SMOKE SPRATS IN OIL                              35420

AB421294   19.11.02    NORDLINE         FROZEN SPRATS                                    20020
                       HOLDING OY

AB717031   18.11.02    AS Kajax         frozen Baltic sprats                             60000

AB717032   18.11.02    AS Kajax         seasoned Baltic sprats                           56440

AB717289   20.11.02    AS Raitar        iced Baltic sprats                               60000

AB717290   20.11.02    AS Raitar        salted Baltic sprats                             50000

AB717036   21.11.02    AS Kajax         seasoned Baltic sprats                           20800

AB717402   22.11.02    Ou Ramarin       salted Baltic sprats                             20000

AB717037   22.11.02    AS Kajax         seasoned Baltic sprats                           20800

AB717038   22.11.02    AS Kajax         frozen Baltic sprats                             20600

AB717377   22.11.02    OU Nicone        salted Baltic sprats                             60000

AB718968   18.11.02    LTD Maseko       sprats in tomato sauce, fishchops in tomato      65581
                                        sauce, Baltic herring in oil blanched, smoked
                                        Balticherring in oil,  fried Baltic herring in
                                        tom.sauce, Atlantic sardines in oil/slices/,
                                        sardines in oil blanched, sardines in tomato
                                        sauce blanched, sardines in own juice with oil
                                        added, sardinella in tomato sauce blanched,
                                        herring in oil blanched, smoked herring in oil,
                                        herring in own juice with oil added, mackerel
                                        in oil blanched, mackerel in tomato sauce
                                        blanched, peitus sparlings in tomato sauce,
                                        fishballs in tomato sauce, smoked sprats in
                                        oil, smoked herring in oil

AB718969   18.11.02    LTD Maseko       Atlantic sardines in oil/slices/, sardines in    67500
                                        oil blanched, sardines in own juice with oil
                                        added, sardines in tomato sauce blanched,
                                        herring in oil blanched, herring in own juice
                                        with oil added, herring in tomato sauce
                                        blanched, smoked herring in oil, Baltic herring
                                        in oil blanched, smoked Baltic herring in oil,
                                        sardinella in oil blanched, sprats in tomato

AB718971   19.11.02    LTD Maseko       herring in oil blanched, sardines in oil         6394,5
                                        blanched, sardines in own juice with oil added,
                                        smoked sprats in oil, sardinella in oil
                                        blanched, smoked Baltic herring in oil,
                                        mackerel in tomato sauce blanched, smoked
                                        sprats paste

AB718972   22.11.02    LTD Maseko       herring in own juice with oil added, herring in  67996,6
                                        oil blanched, smoked herring in oil, sardines
                                        in own juice with oil added, Atlantic sardines
                                        in oil/slices/, sardines in oil blanched,
                                        sardinella in own juice with oil added,
                                        sardinella in oil blanched, Baltic herring in
                                        oil blanched, smoked Baltic herring in oil,
                                        smoked sprats in oil, sprats in tomato sauce,
                                        mackerel in own juice with oil added, mackerel
                                        in tomato sauce blanched, mackerel in oil
                                        blanched, fishchops in tomato sauce, fishballs
                                        in tomato sauce, smoked sprats paste

AB763508   18.11.02    Makrill          Crab sticks                                      19299

AB764352   18.11.02    Maseco           Smokeed sprats in oil                            59600

AB765399   18.11.02    Irbeni           Spicy baltic sprats                              56000

AB763282   18.11.02    Gramus           Spicy salted baltic sprats                       60000

AB764353   19.11.02    Maseko           Smokeed sprats in oil                            59600

AB735839   19.11.02    Koskel           Spicy salted baltic sprat                        20600

AB763509   19.11.02    Makrill          Crab sticks                                      18960

AB764354   20.11.02    Maseko           Smokeed sprats in oil                            65700

AB763284   20.11.02    Gramus           Spicy salted baltic sprats                       20000

AB736100   21.11.02    Maksiprof        Salted sprats in spices                          60000

AB762865   21.11.02    Paljassaare      Crab sticks                                      20186

AB763511   22.11.02    Makrill          Crab sticks                                      19270

AB734819   22.11.02    Reperte          Spice salted sprats                              60000

AB734818   22.11.02    Reperte          Spice salted sprats                              20400

AB763512   22.11.02    Makrill          Crab sticks                                      19154

AB735845   22.11.02    Koskel           Frozen baltic sprats                             20600

AB762873   22.11.02    Paljassaare      Crab sticks                                      19766

AB762876   22.11.02    Paljassaare      Crab sticks                                      20000

AB762875   22.11.02    Paljassaare      Crab sticks                                      19439

AB762872   22.11.02    Paljassaare      Crab sticks                                      20163

AB762877   22.11.02    Paljassaare      Crab sticks                                      19650

AB764357   22.11.02    Maseko           Smokeed sprats in oil                            61530

 Заступник Голови Служби                                 О.П.Шейко

 WEB MD Office "НПО Поверхность",