N 11/6-14.1-5785-ЕП від 03.07.2002

                                          Начальникам регіональних
                                          Начальникам митниць

     Направляємо перелік сертифікатів про походження товарів форми
EUR.1  (до  листа   Держмитслужби   від   28.02.2000   N  21/3-638
( v-638342-00 ), які видавалися естонськими  митними  органами  на
рибопродукцію за період з 03 по 09 червня 2002 року.

|AB 646649 |07/06/2002 |AS Lддtsa       |canned fish                 |66980   |
|          |           |Kalatццst       |                            |        |
|AB 646648 |07/06/2002 |AS Lддtsa       |canned fish                 |66856   |
|          |           |Kalatццst       |                            |        |
|AB 664417 |03.06.02   |AS DAGOTAR      |canned fish                 |67900   |
|AB 664420 |03.06.02   |AS DAGOTAR      |canned fish                 |45175   |
|AB 664418 |07.06.02   |AS DAGOTAR      |canned fish                 |52600   |
|AB 649278 |07/06/2002 |Viru            |CANNED FISH 4375 places     |67985   |
|          |           |kalatццstuse    |(sprats in oil 160 gr. 4125 |        |
|          |           |                |karton box, sprats paste    |        |
|          |           |                |160 gr 100 karton box       |        |
|          |           |                |sprats in oil 100 gr 50     |        |
|          |           |                |karton box, sprats in       |        |
|          |           |                |tomato sause 100 gr 50      |        |
|          |           |                |karton box,                 |        |
|          |           |                |baltic sardines in tomato   |        |
|          |           |                |sause 100 gr.50 karton box) |        |
|AB 649276 |30/05/2002 |Viru            |canned fish 4360 places     |67158   |
|          |           |Kalatццstuse    |sprats in oil 100 gr        |        |
|          |           |                |190 places, sprats in oil   |        |
|          |           |                |160 gr 3630 places, sprats  |        |
|          |           |                |in tomato                   |        |
|          |           |                |sause 160 gr 20 plats,      |        |
|          |           |                |sprats in oil 250 gr        |        |
|          |           |                |250 places, baltic herring  |        |
|          |           |                |in oil 250 gr               |        |
|          |           |                |100 places, spratspaste     |        |
|          |           |                |160 gr 40 places, fried     |        |
|          |           |                |baltic herring in tomato    |        |
|          |           |                |sause                       |        |
|          |           |                |tomato sause 250 gr.        |        |
|          |           |                |10 places, baltic           |        |
|          |           |                |sardines in oil 100 gr      |        |
|          |           |                |20 placess, fish rissoles   |        |
|          |           |                |in tomato sause 250 gr.     |        |
|          |           |                |30 places)                  |        |
|AB 622819 |03.06.02   |Ltd.Maseko      |smoked sprats in oil        |60375   |
|AB 622822 |03.06.02   |Ltd.Maseko      |HERRING IN OWN JUICE WITH   |22027   |
|          |           |                |OIL ADDED                   |        |
|          |           |                |HERRING IN OIL BLANCED      |        |
|          |           |                |HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE     |        |
|          |           |                |WITH SOUR CABBAGE           |        |
|          |           |                |HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE     |        |
|          |           |                |WITH ONION                  |        |
|          |           |                |SMOKED HERRING IN OIL       |        |
|          |           |                |SARDINES IN OWN JUICE WITH  |        |
|          |           |                |OIL ADDED                   |        |
|          |           |                |ATLANTIC SARDINES IN OIL    |        |
|          |           |                |SARDINES IN OIL BLANCED     |        |
|          |           |                |SARDINES IN TOMATO SAUCE    |        |
|          |           |                |BLANCED                     |        |
|          |           |                |SARDINELLA IN TOMATO SAUCE  |        |
|          |           |                |WITH SOUR CABBAGE           |        |
|          |           |                |SARDINELLA IN TOMATO SAUCE  |        |
|          |           |                |WITH ONION                  |        |
|          |           |                |SARDINELLA IN TOMATO SAUCE  |        |
|          |           |                |BLANCED                     |        |
|          |           |                |BALTIC HERRING IN OIL       |        |
|          |           |                |BLANCED                     |        |
|          |           |                |SMOKED BALTIC HERRING IN    |        |
|          |           |                |OIL                         |        |
|          |           |                |FRIED BALTIC HERRING IN     |        |
|          |           |                |TOMATO SAUCE                |        |
|          |           |                |SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL        |        |
|          |           |                |SPRATS IN TOMATO SAUCE      |        |
|          |           |                |SMOKED HERRING IN OIL       |        |
|AB 622821 |03.06.02   |Ltd.Maseko      |MACKEREL IN OWN JUICE OIL   |45892,5 |
|          |           |                |ADDED                       |        |
|          |           |                |MACKEREL IN TOMATO SUCE     |        |
|          |           |                |BLANCHED                    |        |
|          |           |                |MACKEREL IN OIL BLANCHED    |        |
|          |           |                |FISHBALLS IN TOMATO SAUCE   |        |
|          |           |                |SMOKED SPRATS PASTE         |        |
|AB 623378 |03.06.02   |AS Kajax        |FROZEN BALTIC HERRING       |48000   |
|          |           |Fishexport      |                            |        |
|AB 623379 |03.06.02   |AS Kajax        |FROZEN BALTIC HERRING       |48000   |
|          |           |Fishexport      |                            |        |
|AB 623377 |03.06.02   |AS Kajax        |FROZEN BALTIC HERRING       |45000   |
|          |           |Fishexport      |                            |        |
|AB 623376 |03.06.02   |AS Kajax        |FROZEN BALTIC HERRING       |48000   |
|          |           |Fishexport      |                            |        |
|AB 623371 |03.06.03   |AS Kajax        |FROZEN BALTIC HERRING       |48000   |
|          |           |Fishexport      |                            |        |
|AB 623375 |03.06.03   |AS Kajax        |FROZEN BALTIC HERRING       |21400   |
|          |           |Fishexport      |                            |        |
|AB 623374 |03.06.03   |AS Kajax        |FROZEN BALTIC HERRING       |21400   |
|          |           |Fishexport      |                            |        |
|AB 623373 |03.06.03   |AS Kajax        |FROZEN BALTIC HERRING       |19000   |
|          |           |Fishexport      |                            |        |
|AB 623372 |03.06.03   |AS Kajax        |FROZEN BALTIC SPRATS        |20800   |
|          |           |Fishexport      |                            |        |
|AB 622825 |05.06.02   |Ltd.Maseko      |smoked sprats in oil        |19990   |
|          |           |                |SMOKED SPRATS PASTE         |        |
|AB 622827 |06.06.02   |Ltd.Maseko      |smoked sprats in oil        |65700   |
|AB 622826 |06.06.02   |Ltd.Maseko      |SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL        |65700   |
|AB 622828 |06.06.02   |Ltd.Maseko      |smoked sprats in oil        |65700   |
|AB 623133 |06.06.02   |AS Raitar       |iced baltic herring         |45000   |
|AB 623132 |06.06.02   |AS Raitar       |iced baltic herring         |45000   |
|AB 623129 |06.06.02   |AS Raitar       |iced baltic herring         |45000   |
|AB 623131 |06.06.02   |AS Raitar       |iced baltic herring         |45000   |
|AB 623130 |06.06.02   |AS Raitar       |iced baltic herring         |45000   |
|AB 622824 |06.06.02   |Ltd.Maseko      |HERRING IN OWN JUICE WITH   |40141,5 |
|          |           |                |OIL ADDED                   |        |
|          |           |                |HERRING IN OIL BLANCED      |        |
|          |           |                |HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE     |        |
|          |           |                |WITH SOUR CABBAGE           |        |
|          |           |                |HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE     |        |
|          |           |                |WITH ONION                  |        |
|          |           |                |SMOKED HERRING IN OIL       |        |
|          |           |                |MACKEREL IN OWN JUICE OIL   |        |
|          |           |                |ADDED                       |        |
|          |           |                |MACKEREL IN TOMATO SAUCE    |        |
|          |           |                |BLANCED                     |        |
|          |           |                |MACKEREL IN OIL BLANCHED    |        |
|          |           |                |FISHCHOPS IN TOMATO SAUCE   |        |
|          |           |                |SMOKED SPRATS PASTE         |        |
|AB 623380 |07.06.02   |AS Kajax        |FROZEN BALTIC HERRING       |20800   |
|          |           |Fishexport      |                            |        |
|AB 683092 |03.06.02   |Maseko          |Smoked sprats paste         |67975   |
|AB 683776 |05.06.02   |Koskel          |Spicy salted baltic sprats  |20600   |
|AB 710501 |06.06.02   |Paljassaare     |Fish fingers, burgers       |11360   |
|          |           |kalatццstus     |                            |        |
|AB 685607 |07.06.02   |Meriland        |Frozen sprats               |20000   |

 Заступник голови Служби                                  Ю.Дьомін

 WEB MD office "НПО Поверхность",