Л И С Т

 N 11/2-5461 від 10.06.97

                                          Начальникам регіональних
                                          Начальникам митниць

       ( Лист втратив чинність на підставі Листа Державної
                                             митної служби
         N 11/3-14/8521-ЕП ( v8521342-05 ) від 15.07.2005 )

         Щодо  використання митними органами Латвійської
         Республіки  печаток  та штампів для засвідчення
         сертифікатів про походження товарів форми EUR-1

     У доповнення до листа Державної  митної  служби  України  від
19.02.97  р.  за  N  11/2-1548  (  v1548342-97 ) щодо використання
митними  органами  Латвійської  Республіки  печаток та штампів для
засвідчення  сертифікатів  про  походження  товарів  форми  EUR-1,
повідомляємо наступне.
     Відповідно до  Протоколу  А Угоди між Україною та Латвійською
Республікою про  вільну  торгівлю  (  428_003  )  сертифікати  про
походження товарів  EUR-1  на  латвійські товари видаються митними
органами Латвійської  Республіки  з  засвідченням круглою печаткою
митного органу  (зразок відтиску печатки  та  зразок  засвідченого
печаткою сертифікату додаються).
     У разі  застосування спрощеної процедури (стаття 21 Протоколу
А),  для засвідчення сертифікату EUR-1 використовується не  кругла
печатка   митних   органів,   а   штамп,  на  якому  вказаний  код
уповноваженого експортера (зразок штампу та зразок  сертифікату  з
засвідченням штампом уповноваженого експортера додаються).
     Перелік уповноважених експортерів додається.

 Перший заступник Голови Служби                           О.Єгоров

       Зразок відтиску печатки митних органів Латвії, якою
    засвідчується сертифікат про походження товару форми EUR-1


                       The number of stamp
                     will vary from 1 till 50


                       MOVEMENT CERTIFICATE
|1. Exporter (Name, full address, country)|                                               |
|                                         |            E U R. I   C  N 039819             |
|                                         |-----------------------------------------------|
|                                         |See notes overleaf before completing this form |
|                                         |-----------------------------------------------|
|                                         |2. Certificate used in preferential trade      |
|                                         |   between                                     |
|-----------------------------------------|                                               |
|3. Consignee (Name, full address,        |               and                             |
|   country) (Optional)                   |                                               |
|                                         |-----------------------------------------------|
|                                         |    (Insert appropriate countries, groups of   |
|                                         |             countries or territories)         |
|                                         |-----------------------------------------------|
|                                         |4. Country, group of  |5. Country, group of    |
|                                         |countries or territory|countries or territory  |
|                                         |in which tbe products |of destination          |
|                                         |are considered as     |                        |
|                                         |originating           |                        |
|6. Transport details (Optional)          |7. Remarks                                     |
|                                         |                                               |
|                                         |                                               |
|                                         |                                               |
|                                         |                                               |
|                                         |                                               |
|8. Item number, Makes and numbers, Number and kind of packages|9. Gross     |10. Invoices|
|   (1), Description of goods                                  |weight (kg)  |(Optional)  |
|                                                              |or other     |            |
|                                                              |measure      |            |
|                                                              |(litres, m3, |            |
|                                                              |etc.)        |            |
|                                                              |             |            |
|                                                              |             |            |
|                                                              |             |            |
|                                                              |             |            |
|                                                              |             |            |
|11. CUSTOMS ENDORSEMENT                                     |12. DECLARATION BY THE      |
|Declaration certified.                                      |EXPORTER:I, the undersigned,|
|Export document (2):                                        |declare that the goods      |
|Form_________N__________                                    |described above meet the    |
|Customs office:______________________                       |conditions required for the |
|Issuing country of territory: LATVIA                        |issure of this certificate. |
|_______________________________________________             |                            |
|_______________________________________________             |Place and date ____________ |
|Date___________________________________________   Stamp     |                            |
|    ___________________________________________             |-------------------         |
|                  (Signature)                               |  (Signature)               |
|13. REQUEST FOR VERIFICATION, to     |14. RESULT OF VERIFICATION                         |
|                                     |Verification carried out shows that this           |
|   Republic of Latvia                |certificate (1)                                    |
|   State Revenue Service             |--- was issued by the Customs Office indicated     |
|   Customs Department                |--- and that the information contained therein     |
|   1a, K. Valdemara str.             |    is accurate.                                   |
|   Riga, Latvia, LV-1841             |--- does not meet the requirements as to           |
|-------------------------------------|--- authenticity and accuracy (see remarks         |
|Verification of the authenticity and |    appended).                                     |
|accuracy of this certificate is      |                                                   |
|requested.                           |                                                   |
|        (Place and date)             |             (Place and date)                      |
|                             Stamp   |                                  Stamp            |
|                                     |                                                   |
|                                     |                                                   |
|-------------------                  |-------------------                                |
|  (Signature)                        |  (Signature)                                      |
|                                     |(1) Insert X in the appropriate box.               |

(1) If goods are not packed, indicate number of articles or
    state "in b.....  as appropriate.
(2) Complete only where the regulations of the exporting country
    or territory require.

1. Certificates  must  not  contain erasures or words written over
   one another.  Any alterations must  be  made  by  deleting  the
   incorrect particulars and adding any necessary corrections. Any
   such alteration must be initialled by the person who  completed
   the  cerificate  and endorsed by the Customs authorities of the
   issuing country or territory.

2. No spaces must  be  left  between  the  items  entered  on  the
   certificate and each item must be preceded by an item number. A
   horizontal line must be drawn immedately below the  last  item.
   Any  unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to
   make any later additions impossible.

3. Goods must be described in accordance with commercial  practice
   and with sufficient detail to enable them to be identified.

       Перелік уповноважених латвійськими митними органами
      експортерів, яким надано право засвідчувати сертифікат
                    про походження форми EUR-1

 1. SIA "SILVA"                                     - N 001
 3. A/S "REBIR"                                     - N 003
 4. A/S "LATVIJAS FINIERIS"                         - N 004
 5. A/S "DAUTEKS"                                   - N 005
 6. SIA "VEKO-WEST"                                 - N 006
 7. SIA "VENTSPILS KOKS"                            - N 007
 8. SIA "SAGA"                                      - N 008
 9. "VALMIERAS MEBELU KOMBINATS                     - N 009
10. A/S "SAIVA"                                     - N 010
11. SIA "ANASTASIJA"                                - N 011
12. SIA "TOP-PRINT"                                 - N 012
13. SIA "LAMEKO-INTERNATIONAL"                      - N 013
14. SIA "JAL"                                       - N 014
15. SIA "NEW ROSME"                                 - N 015
16. SIA "TRITEKS"                                   - N 016
17. A/S "JUGLAS MANUFAKTURA"                        - N 017
18. A/S "BALTIC COLOR"                              - N 018
19. A/S "LATVIJAS BALZAMS"                          - N 019
20. A/S "DOBELE"                                    - N 020
21. A/S "SEDA"                                      - N 021
22. A/S "BOLDERAJA"                                 - N 022
23. SIA "SNICKERS PRODUCTION LATVIA"                - N 023
24. SIA "ALMIA"                                     - N 024
25. SIA "RIGA FURNIERE"                             - N 025
26. A/S "LAIMA"                                     - N 026

                            |  LV  |  EUR.1  |
   The number of stamp      |   APPROVED     |
   will vary from 1 till 26 |   EXPORTER     |
                            |     000        |
                            |                |

    Зразок для спрощеної процедури

                       MOVEMENT CERTIFICATE
| 1. Exporter (Name, full address, country)|                                               |
|                                          |             E U R. I  C   N 039820            |
|                                          |-----------------------------------------------|
|                                          |See notes overleaf before completing this form |
|                                          |-----------------------------------------------|
|                                          |2. Certificate used in preferential trade      |
|                                          |   between                                     |
|------------------------------------------|                                               |
| 3. Consignee (Name, full address,        |               and                             |
|    country) (Optional)                   |                                               |
|                                          |-----------------------------------------------|
|                                          |    (Insert appropriate countries, groups of   |
|                                          |             countries or territories)         |
|                                          |-----------------------------------------------|
|                                          |4. Country, group of  |5. Country, group of    |
|                                          |countries or territory|countries or territory  |
|                                          |in which tbe products |of destination          |
|                                          |are considered as     |                        |
|                                          |originating           |                        |
| 6. Transport details (Optional)          |7. Remarks                                     |
|                                          |                                               |
|                                          |                                               |
|                                          |                                               |
|                                          |                                               |
|                                          |                                               |
| 8. Item number, Makes and numbers, Number and kind of packages|9. Gross     |10. Invoices|
|    (1), Description of goods                                  |weight (kg)  |(Optional)  |
|                                                               |or other     |            |
|                                                               |measure      |            |
|                                                               |(litres, m3, |            |
|                                                               |etc.)        |            |
|                                                               |             |            |
|                                 печать признанного экспортера |             |            |
|                                                               |             |            |
|                                                               |             |            |
|                                                  |            |             |            |
| 11. CUSTOMS ENDORSEMENT                          |          |12. DECLARATION BY THE      |
| Declaration certified.                  ------------------  |EXPORTER:I, the undersigned,|
| Export document (2):                    |  LV  |  EUR.1  |  |declare that the goods      |
| Form_________N__________                |----------------|  |described above meet the    |
| Customs office:_________                |   APPROVED     |  |conditions required for the |
| Issuing country of territory: LATVIA    |   EXPORTER     |  |issure of this certificate. |
| ____________________________________    |     000        |  |                            |
| ____________________________________    |                |  |Place and date ____________ |
| Date________________________________    ------------------  |                            |
|     ________________________________         Stamp          |-------------------         |
|              (Signature)                                    |  (Signature)               |
| 13. REQUEST FOR VERIFICATION, to     |14. RESULT OF VERIFICATION                         |
|                                      |Verification carried out shows that this           |
|    Republic of Latvia                |certificate (1)                                    |
|    State Revenue Service             |--- was issued by the Customs Office indicated     |
|    Customs Department                |--- and that the information contained therein     |
|    1a, K. Valdemara str.             |    is accurate.                                   |
|    Riga, Latvia, LV-1841             |--- does not meet the requirements as to           |
| -------------------------------------|--- authenticity and accuracy (see remarks         |
| Verification of the authenticity and |    appended).                                     |
| accuracy of this certificate is      |                                                   |
| requested.                           |                                                   |
| -------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------|
|         (Place and date)             |             (Place and date)                      |
|                              Stamp   |                                  Stamp            |
|                                      |                                                   |
|                                      |                                                   |
| -------------------                  |-------------------                                |
|   (Signature)                        |  (Signature)                                      |
|                                      |(1) Insert X in the appropriate box.               |

(1) If goods are not packed, indicate number of articles or
    state "in b.....  as appropriate.
(2) Complete only where the regulations of the exporting country
    or territory require.

1. Certificates  must  not  contain erasures or words written over
   one another.  Any alterations must  be  made  by  deleting  the
   incorrect particulars and adding any necessary corrections. Any
   such alteration must be initialled by the person who  completed
   the  cerificate  and endorsed by the Customs authorities of the
   issuing country or territory.

2. No spaces must  be  left  between  the  items  entered  on  the
   certificate and each item must be preceded by an item number. A
   horizontal line must be drawn immedately below the  last  item.
   Any  unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to
   make any later additions impossible.

3. Goods must be described in accordance with commercial  practice
   and with sufficient detail to enable them to be identified.